You can come in once or twice a year, or more often if you like, to have us check your prongs.
And if you feel like something is wrong -- say, your ring catches on your clothing, or feels sharp to the touch -- take it off and bring it in to be checked.
A prong may also break off. This can happen from striking something hard, like a metal door frame, or from damage as a result of wearing the ring while doing hands-on activities like gardening or weight lifting. If a prong is not shaped properly to begin with, it can get caught and pulled back or broken off.
Our jeweler will inspect your ring and advise the best course of action.
These prongs have been worn down so there is only a thin remnant
of metal holding the diamond. The thin prong can easily be bent or
lifted, which increases the risk of losing the diamond.
You can make your prongs last longer by being careful with your rings.
When you are doing hands-on activities, like gardening, yard work, moving heavy furniture, or sports, remove your precious rings.
Another activity that can affect the prongs and setting of your ring is: swimming in chlorinated water or wearing your rings in a hot tub. Chlorine can affect the alloys in white gold and weaken it.
Removing your rings before taking a dip can prolong the life of your settings!
To ensure the security of your precious rings, mark your calendar to remind you to come in at least twice a year.
We'll inspect your jewelry, and give it an extra sparkle with a good cleaning! Of course, you can come in as often as you like. FYI, a clean diamond is a more sparkly diamond!
This brand-new engagement ring shows our jeweler's masterful work.
Steve created plump, ample prongs that are perfectly shaped,
smooth, and secure.
Nancy Plante